Collaboration for the emerging future

There is a lot of talk about the new organisational paradigm. Our habitual practices are no longer sustainable... what instead? For many organisations and communities the challenge lies in embracing more soulful, inclusive and transparent ways of making decisions, co-ordinating action and achieving outcomes - often known as new ways of working, teal or conscious collaboration

Transforming culture

Conscious collaboration requires clear purpose, direction, alignment and committed action. What’s needed is a cultural transformation on all organisational levels: individuals, teams, across departments and the wider organisational eco-system. We need to learn new principles (HEAD), become emotionally agile (HEART) and practise new habits (EMBODIMENT).

  • Build a committed and aligned team that focuses on what is truly important.

  • Foster psychological safety, trust and relationship building in a safe, structured environment.

  • Co-design a road map with specific person-centered practices that underpin the culture you are aiming for, e.g. parameters for autonomous working, self-organising, sharing accountability, continuous learning, reflective practices etc.

  • Become “unstuck” from habitual ineffective ways of working together.

  • Leverage diversity in your multinational teams and drive team maturity.

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Align & integrate your team

Our programmes are learning journeys from “learning about ...” to “learning from ..." , with great emphasis on practical application in the workplace through action learning and peer initiatives.

Your people, your organisation and your purpose are unique which is why we exclusively offer a tailor-made service.

For maximum flexibility, we offer a mix of in-person and virtual programmes in modules, such as:

  • Creating a Feedback Culture

  • Emotional Agility & Trust

  • Virtual Working & Cultural Diversity

  • Overcoming Silos & Creating a Collaborative Culture

  • Reinventing Ways of Working (teal)

  • Peer Learning

  • Team Coaching

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Better retreats with Group Facilitation

Facilitation guides your group through a process to achieve desired outcomes – for example in strategy retreats, staff gatherings or conferences.

  • Multilingual and culturally sensitive

  • Ensures effective, rich dialogue and objective, inclusive participation.

  • Challenges group think and deals with arising conflicts in a constructive way.

  • Deep listening and empathy, attention to detail, adaptability and firmness allow your group to generate energy, ideas, trust and aligned action.

  • Includes design, delivery and report.

What my Clients are saying


“We have worked with Alexandra in her capacity as a cross-cultural corporate facilitator. She is incisive, engaging and solid and I found the interaction with her very rewarding, stimulating and thought-provoking. I recommend her work to anybody who is inquisitive and willing to step out of their comfort zone and embrace their learning, with fun, curiosity and determination.”